Hello, World!

I'm Morpa.

Currently learning the mysteries of Web Development.
I mainly use React and related frameworks.


Anything in here will be replaced on browsers that support the canvas element


TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components

The application has the functionality to facilitate the search for the most frequently asked questions in the Advanced React course.

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components

My personal portfolio to show my projects.

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components

Challenge for the front end vacancy at Significa.

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components

Pokedex with NextJS.

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components

Page to demonstrate how to use the Internationalized Routing.

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components, GraphQL

A simple project to show in a map the places that I went and show more informations and photos when clicked.

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components, Upstash

A simple url shortener using Upstash's Redis database and the new edges functionality in NextJS.

TypeScript, Remix, Styled Components, Jest, Cypress, RTL

An application so you can see which are the top songs of your favourite artist on Spotify


Small application to use in Cloudfare Workers

Angular, Webassembly, Tailwindcss

In this application, you are able to upload a video and select a print screen using WebAssembly and Angular

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components

The application has the functionality to search through an external api, information about beers.

NextJS, Styled Components, Apollo, Graphql, Stripe, Jest, Cypress, RTL

Fictitious online game store.

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components

Implementation of a redesign for study purposes.

TypeScript, NextJS, Bulma, Sass

Tool for searching github repositories.

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components,Apollo, GraphQL

Space for advertising vacancies for frontend developers.

TypeScript, NextJS, Styled Components, GraphQL

A simple project to simulate mains pages from fictional a store.

Remix, Typescript, Graphql

This is a very simple application made with Remix and GraphQL Request

TypeScript, Remix, tailwindcss

A small app to show how it´s possible to say good morning in some languages and hear some of them.

Rust, Webassembly, Javascript, Tailwindcss, Webpack

Explore image manipulation in a web environment